We specialize in Training Three Types of Service Dogs
Mobility Service Dogs
A dog who performs tasks in public to mitigate a person's disability related to mobility. Carting, opening doors, turning lights on, picking things up from the ground are examples.
Psychiatric Service Dog
A dog that is trained to perform tasks to mitigate a mental health condition, such as PTSD, anxiety or depression. Examples of tasks would include orbiting, behavior interruption, compression therapy, item retrieval.
Autism Service Dog
A dog trained to perform tasking to mitigate a spectrum disorder. Examples include orbiting, item retrieval, compression therapy, tactile stimulation and behavior interruption.
All Service Dog Training Programs Include:
Custom task list designed to meet your individual needs. With a minimum of 3 tasks, which can be performed inside or outside of the home.
Weekly in-person training sessions ensure you stay on track with your progress. We keep track of homework assignments twice a month and meet on public outings 2-3 times per month. Dual training tasking as well as public access.
At completion of training, handler will pass a public access test performed by an outside evaluator, equivalent to the Canine Good Citizen Urban Test.
100% Self train model- your dog lives with you, in your home, bonding with you, as you teach them- under my guidance and direction.
Access to your trainer anytime, Service Dogs in training get access to my personal phone number, so if a training issue or medical emergency pops up, you can reach me for help, even outside of normal business hours.
After successful completion of public access testing we provide a diploma from service dog training school! This complies with the Texas State Law HRC 121.006 which states that a person can be charged with a misdemeanor offense if he represents an animal in public who has not undergone special training to help with a disability.